Inspired by Georgia Bonesteel’s PBS series, Lap Quilting with Georgia Bonesteel, Nancy Richoux began quilting in 1978. Nancy’s first quilt was made following Georgia’s first book, Lap Quilting Your Legacy Quilt.
Nancy has stitched many quilts for friends and family including Sharon Lyon, a childhood friend. She discovered Sharon had an uncanny ability to select fabrics/colors that worked well together.
With the arrival of her son in the mid-1980s, Nancy was searching for quilt patterns for little boys and found they were few. She chose to design her own. Soon there were drawings of bears, turtles, mice and dinosaurs, all critiqued by Sharon. It was slow going as the two lived in different cities in Texas. Once the designs were finalized, Sharon would select fabrics and Nancy would stitch the quilts.
By 1988, a quilt pattern business had evolved. Most patterns were (and still are) developed for beginner quilters. They featured a central figure with large pieces, gentle curves and easy applique. Borders are usually narrow so that the pattern can be used as is or as focal point for a larger quilt. Advanced quilters find the beginner patterns perfect for quick and easy weekend projects. Though most designs are intended for children/babies, there are patterns that adult quilters will enjoy.
Nancy and Sharon are still designing quilt patterns. However, they are spending more and more time doting on their respective grandchildren.